What is the Legislative Assembly?

Students' Rights and Welfare (STRAW)

This committee is in charge of proposing and reviewing policies of the USG and the University regarding students rights and welfare. This includes tacking pertinent issues such as mental health, anti- discrimination and safe spaces. Notably, STRAW also spearheads the Student Handbook Revision which occurs every 3 years.

Rules and Policies (RnP)

This committee is dedicated to creating and reviewing the internal policies of the USG to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency. In coordination with other branches, these policies promote integrity in the USG and that it is able to maximize its function of representing the student body.

National Affairs (NatAff)

This committee looks into relevant and pressing national issues. They oversee the creation and release of manifestos and open letters which reflect the stance of the USG on these issues. Such manifestos and open letters are disseminated through the social media pages of the USG


The Green Initiative

Lately, there has been a lack of environmental programs launched by the USG. To foster sustainability, we aim to mandate governing bodies to push for green initiatives, review the plastic policy, and collaborate with food kiosks.

Improvements in Sanitation Protocols

With the increasing population in the university, there is a need to enhance the sanitation in our facilities. With this, we will lobby for a call to improve the sanitation protocols of the university.

Review of the University’s DRRM Policies

With DLSU's shift to a hybrid set-up, the university’s DRRM policies should be reassessed. In coordination with the OVPEA, we will review current policies to ensure that disaster management is systematic and is catered toward Lasallians.

